Frequently Asked Questions
Anything you may need to know! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions that aren't answered here.
What's your favorite dinosaur?
I love them all, of course, but I've always been a Triceratops guy.
How often do you post?
My Dino Lessons page essentially functions as a blog, and I add a new post every Sunday. You may see old reposts circulating through Facebook, Twitter (X), and TikTok, as I like to stay active and keep showing off existing dinos, but sites like DeviantArt and Instagram reflect my weekly Sunday posts. Once in a great while, I create a longer YouTube video, but that's mostly a project for the future. Besides the weekly posts, I try to post newly named dinos as soon as they come out, though sometimes I fall behind.
Do you really draw all the dinosaurs? What is your process?
Yes, every image you see on this website was drawn originally by me. Each one takes a few hours to a few days, depending on how many spikes/horns/feathers it has. I start with a general shape based on scientifically accurate skeletal diagrams, then break it into separate layers for each body part (head, neck, torso, legs, etc.) and add texture, shading, and coloration. Then I add finer details. Sauropods and hadrosaurs are usually the easiest, ankylosaurs take the longest! Check out the video on my Support page to see my process.
What is your favorite type of dinosaur to draw?
Don't get me wrong, I love drawing all of them, but this definitely depends on how complex they are. Hadrosaurs and sauropods are so simple, they're almost boring! But I can get them done really fast. Ankylosaurs are the worst because each osteoderm has to be textured and shaded, and gets really tedious. Stegosaurs are just right!
Can I request my favorite dinosaur?
Of course! As mentioned above, the list is long. But supporting me on Patreon will get your request to the very top of the list, and you should see it featured within a couple weeks. The only limiting factor is how long it takes me to draw your request (which I will prioritize), and if there are any patrons ahead of you. Please be aware that I try to limit the "popular" dinosaurs, so I'm saving Spinosaurus, Triceratops, etc. for a later date.
Can I see what dinos are coming up?
Yes! This is another perk of becoming a patron.
Can I use your art for my project?
I would be honored! I purposely left each main dino JPG plain white so it's easy for future artists to cut out. Transparent PNGs are also available on Wikimedia Commons. Just type the dinosaur you need into the search bar - if I've made it, it's on there. I'm not a lawyer and copyright laws confuse me, so let me just say that I would appreciate credit in some form, but I'm mostly just happy to share!
Please free to contact me if you have any more questions that aren't answered here!